Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 8 - Resource Day!

Limerick Forest!

Being welcomed into a log cabin with a fireplace, coffee and bathrooms was a lovely surprise!

Geoff gave us a presentation on Limerick forest's history, management and uses. 

  • 1/3 wetland, 1/3 plantation, 1/3 natural forest
  • They've planted 8 million trees
  • A little under 6000 hectares
  • 1940 - first tree planted
  • 2008 - FSC certified
Managing the forest is about managing people:
  • Use
  • Respect
  • "Everyone's Forest"

Scott from MNR, got his job by "doin' what other people won't".
He acts a a liaison between hunters and MNR.

The most seductive raccoon. 

A boardwalk built by volunteers, looks out over a boggy pond with an excess of muskrat burrows.

Frozen oily ice. 

Deer carcass!

Stone house remains from the Irish settlers. Could not farm, too rocky and sandy. 

They have successfully managed a timber business and maintained trails for various outdoor activities but are in need of nature programs. Nature photographers and birdwatchers are important for forest conservation. They are extremely observant to changes and act as a strong voice for conservation issues. Getting children involved is also important, raising a generation who cares in the age of development and technology is pivotal. 

Tiana :)

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