Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 10 - Transportation Day!

As I was to present this day I was too nervous to take pictures but I remember what happened. 

  1. We stopped off at a bike path to discuss modern green transportation across the globe. For being the capital of Canada we are far far behind European green initiatives. Cycling in the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany is more of way of life than a means of transportation. The differences are safety and cost: bicycle lane ways are separate from roads, intersections have bicycle priority, traffic in neighbourhoods are calm, bike theft is low and training is mandatory in school.  
  2. We then visited an OC Transpo Park and Ride where we discussed biofuel and public transportation. 
  3. Out next stop was a converted train track where nature-lovers bird watch and dog-walk.
  4. The last stop of the day was Ottawa International where we ate lunch while watching planes land. Then wearing a giant muskrat hat I discussed the history of fur-bearing animals in Canada and the ecological consequences of their exploitation. Afterwards we went upstairs to meet with the Environmental manager of the airport who outlined the environmental measures:
  • Stormwater Monitoring
  • Aircraft Noise Management
  • Groundwater Monitoring
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Environmental Assessments
  • Waste Reduction/Recycling
  • Energy Efficiency

Fox, H. E., Kareiva, P., Silliman, B., Hitt, J., Lytle, D.A., Halpern, B.S., Hawkes, C.V., Lawler, J., Neel, M., Olden, J.D., Schlaepfer, M.A., Smith, K. and H. Tallis. 2009. Why do we fly? Ecologists’ sins of emission. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:294-296

Pucher, J., & Buehler, R. (2008). Cycling for Everyone: Lessons from Europe. 
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,2074(-1), 58–65.

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